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How to Choose the Best Online Will Creator

Creating a will online involves deciding how to choose the best online will creator.  However, the process of creating a will can be complicated and time-consuming, which is why many people turn to online will programs to simplify the process.

With so many options available, it can be difficult to know which program to choose. In this blog post, we will discuss how to choose the best online will creator program and why The U.S. Will Registry offers the most comprehensive and user-friendly option available.

Consider Your Needs and Preferences

Before choosing an online will program, it’s important to consider your needs and preferences. Here are some factors to consider:

      • Complexity of Your Estate

If you have a complex estate with multiple assets, beneficiaries, and tax implications, you may want to choose an online will program that offers more advanced features and customization options. On the other hand, if your estate is relatively simple, a basic will program may suffice.

      • User-Friendliness

The ease of use of an online will creator program is also an important factor to consider. A user-friendly program should guide you through the process of creating a will step-by-step, provide helpful explanations and tips, and allow you to save your progress and return to it later.

      • Cost

The cost of an online will program can vary widely, from free to several hundred dollars. It’s important to choose a program that fits within your budget, but also provides the features and level of support that you need.

      • Future Editing: Ensuring Your Will Adapts to Life’s Changes

The finest online will creator programs provide a valuable feature – future editing. This capability is crucial to ensuring that your information and designations stay current with your evolving wishes amidst life’s numerous twists and turns. Given the dynamic nature of life, which includes new additions and unforeseen changes, it is imperative that your will remains updated to accurately reflect your current intentions.

The U.S. Will Registry

The U.S. Will Registry is a comprehensive and user-friendly online will creator program that offers both free will creation, free will registration services, free and secure iCloud Storage, and the ability for your family to search for a missing will if it can’t be located upon your passing. Here’s why it’s the most comprehensive and user-friendly option available:

1. Free Online Will Creator

The U.S. Will Registry offers a free online will service that is simple and user-friendly. The program guides you through the process of creating a basic will step-by-step, providing helpful explanations and tips along the way. You can save your progress and return to it later if needed. The free will creation service is a great option for those with a relatively simple estate who don’t want to pay for more advanced features.

2. Secure Will Storage in iCloud (Free)

Once you’ve created your will you will need to store your original in a safe place as well as your duplicate. Attorneys and The Will Registry recommend using the free online iCloud site ( to store your duplicate copy.   Having a copy stored online means that your will is protected from loss or damage or malicious disappearance and can only be accessed by your designated beneficiaries and executors when needed.

3. Will Registration (Free)

The U.S. Will Registry is the only online will creator that offers free will registration. This means that once you’ve created your will using the program, you can register it with the U.S. Will Registry to ensure that it can be located when needed. This is a crucial step in ensuring that your final wishes are carried out and your assets are distributed according to your desires.

4. Notary Service Available Online



Self-Proving Affidavit vs Witnessing:  A Comparison

When it comes to wills, there are two essential components related to their validity and ease of execution: witnessing and the self-proving affidavit.  If you have a self-proving affidavit, it generally replaces the need for separate witnesses when it comes to validating your will.

Let’s explore the differences:

Witnessing for a Will:

        • Purpose: Witnesses confirm that you signed the will and were of sound mind at the time.
        • Process:
          • You sign the will in front of the witnesses.
          • The witnesses also sign the will.
          • Their role is crucial because, after your passing, you won’t be there to confirm its authenticity personally.
        • Notarization: Usually not required for a valid will.
        • Testimony: Witnesses may need to testify in court after your death to validate the will.


Self-Proving Affidavit:

        • Purpose: Streamlines the probate process.
        • Contents:
            • Signed by you and the two witnesses.
            • Verifies under oath that: The witnesses saw you sign the will, and, the will is legally valid.
            • Generally, it must be notarized.
        • Benefits:
          • Saves time and legal fees: Loved ones can skip the initial court date to open probate.
          • Avoids inconvenience: Witnesses don’t need to appear in court.
          • Provides certainty: The affidavit confirms the authenticity of the will under penalty of perjury.


In summary, while a self-proving affidavit is not necessary for a valid will, it significantly simplifies matters for your loved ones during an emotionally challenging time .

Locating Missing Wills:  The National Will Registry’s Vital Role

When a loved one passes away, the search for their last will and testament can be both emotionally taxing and legally crucial.  Survey’s have shown that 67% of wills go missing when needed.  Enter The U.S. Will Registry, a powerful resource designed to address this challenge. Let’s explore how it ensures that no will remains lost or undiscovered:

Let’s begin by emphasizing the importance of registering a will. When a testator registers their will, several critical benefits come into play:

  1. Documenting Location: The registration process allows for recording the whereabouts of both the original and duplicate copies of the will. This ensures that the information is accessible when needed.
  2. Authorized Viewing: The will holder is required to maintain a list of individuals who have permission to view the registration. This measure prevents excluded beneficiaries from accessing sensitive information.

Now, Let’s Delve into the Specifics of The U.S. Will Registry:

      • Nationwide Search: Families and attorneys can perform a nationwide search for missing wills and estate documents. Whether it’s the most recent will or an older one, the registry assists in locating them based on the individual’s name, birthdate, and residing state.
      • Lifetime Registration: When a member of the public or an attorney registers a will, it becomes part of the registry. Wills are dated as far back as 1967. This lifetime registration ensures that the will’s location is documented and remains confidential.
      • Preventing Loss or Destruction: Too often, wills are lost or intentionally destroyed by disgruntled or disinherited family members. By registering a will, its whereabouts are safeguarded. Most importantly, a will is stored in iCloud Storage, removes any risk of being lost or destroyed.
      • Priceless Information: Real-life stories demonstrate the registry’s value. Families have found wills hidden under beds, in strongboxes, or with trusted friends—all thanks to The U.S. Will Registry. Knowing where a will is located can prevent unnecessary legal fees, family disputes, and emotional turmoil.

Remember, registering your will is a crucial step in ensuring that your wishes are honored and your loved ones are spared unnecessary hardships during challenging times.

Other Online Programs

It’s true that there are other online will creator programs like Rocket Lawyer, Trust and Will, Legal Zoom, and Nolo’s Will Maker. However, these programs can be expensive, with prices starting at $199 and up. Despite their higher cost, these programs may not offer as much as The U.S. Will Registry in terms of comprehensive services to ensure that a will doesn’t go missing.


Overall, The U.S. Will Registry offers a truly comprehensive program that goes above and beyond what many other online will programs provide. From free online will creation to will registration services, secure document storage, witness forms, self proving affidavit and a notary link, The U.S. Will Registry has everything you need to create a legally binding will and ensure that your final wishes are carried out according to your desires.

Explore Comprehensive Last Will Management with The U.S. Will Registry

Discover our range of services: Free Will Creation, Free Will Registration, Missing Will Search, Free iCloud Storage and Free Death Notices, and Obituaries.
Create and Safeguard your will and ensure peace of mind.

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