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The U.S. Will Registry

U.S. National Register of Will Site

Before delving into the beneficial impact of having a public Register of Will site for estate planning, let’s first explore the paramount importance of having a will. As we age, writing a will becomes a significant responsibility, ensuring that our wishes are followed. Moreover, having a will empowers you to determine the fate of your property and assets, rather than leaving it to state law. Additionally, it allows for provisions for spouses, children, family, friends, or even charitable causes.

Value of Will Accessibility

However, a written will holds value only if it can be found. Therefore, without it, your estate might be incorrectly administered intestate, without the guidance of your wishes. This is a common issue, as evidenced by a recent survey where a majority of adults admitted uncertainty regarding their parents’ wills.

Ensuring a Register of Will Accessibility

Ensuring your will’s accessibility is vital. Changes in attorney details or office closures can result in misplaced wills. Registering your will with The National Will Registry facilitates easy access for executors or beneficiaries when needed. Utilizing the Register of Will Search can streamline the retrieval process.

The U.S. National Will Registry – Register of Will

Since 1997, the National Register of Wills for the U.S., (The U.S. National Will Registry) has been established to address the prevalent issue of missing wills within the estate planning industry. It became imperative to provide a solution ensuring the security of estate planning wills. A National Will Register aimed to prevent loss or destruction of wills when individuals have passed and were no longer able to confirm the existence, location, or newest version of their will. Registration of will is free to the public and attorneys, enhancing accessibility and ensuring universal participation in the registry.

A will registration is kept in the data system for 120 years from the date of birth of the person registering a will. Moreover, the U.S. National Will Registry refrains from retaining original or photo copies of actual wills. Instead, the registry collaborates with a digital vault storage site,, which provides free secure iCloud storage to both the public and attorneys. This additional layer of security enhances the likelihood of a will being located when required.

Searching The U.S. National Will Registry Database

The U.S. National Will Registry’s database is searchable, enabling family members to locate missing wills easily. This user-friendly process requires entering the legal name, address, state, and birthdate of the deceased. If the searcher is listed as having permission and finds a registration, the details of the registration, including the location of the original or duplicate will, are released. This vital contact information could be with the attorney, in the home, or held by a specific institution or individual.

Simplified Will Registration Process

The registration process is straightforward, requiring basic information about the will, such as the owner’s identity, location, and birthdate. Millions of wills are currently registered internationally, simplifying the process of locating loved ones’ wills.

Without a Will:

Emotional Distress and Disputes

When a will cannot be found or the latest version is missing, families often endure significant emotional distress. This can lead to conflicts and disputes among family members, exacerbating an already challenging situation.

Legal Complications

In the absence of a valid will, the legal process becomes more complicated. Filing “intestate” means that state laws govern the distribution of assets, which may not align with the deceased’s intentions. This can result in lengthy court proceedings and increased legal costs for the family.

Financial Strain

The probate process without a valid will can impose financial strain on the family. Delays in asset distribution and legal fees can deplete the estate’s resources, impacting beneficiaries’ financial well-being and adding further stress to an already difficult time.

Practical Challenges

Additionally, practical challenges arise when a will is missing. Executors and beneficiaries face hurdles in locating and accessing assets, resulting in administrative burdens and delays in settling the estate.

The Probate Process: With or Without a Will

When someone finds a will, they initiate the probate process. This involves submitting the will to the appropriate court, where officials confirm its validity and appoint the executor named in the will.  The executor distributes the assets according to the instructions in the will.

However, if a will cannot be located, the probate process becomes more complicated. In such cases, the estate may need to be administered intestate, following state laws for asset distribution. This often results in delays, increased legal costs, and potential disputes among family members. Therefore, locating a will through the U.S. National Will Registry can streamline the probate process and alleviate these challenges.


Understanding the importance of having a will is the first step toward recognizing the impact of a public Register of Will site. Drafting a will empowers individuals to control the destiny of their assets, but its true value lies in accessibility. Without it, estates may face emotional distress, legal complications, financial strain, and practical challenges.

To tackle the issue of missing wills, the U.S. National Will Registry was established in 1997, offering free registration to the public and attorneys. By utilizing the Register of Will Search, families can easily locate missing wills by providing basic information about the deceased. Additionally, partnering with ensures additional security through free secure iCloud storage for wills, thereby increasing the likelihood of locating them when needed.

In essence, The U.S. National Will Registry simplifies registration, supports in finding missing wills, and helps alleviate the challenges associated with the absence of a will. Embracing a public Register of Will site ensures peace of mind for individuals and their loved ones by securing and facilitating access to estate planning documents.


Don’t Have a Will, or Need to Update Your Will?

In addition to the Will Registry, The U.S. Will Registry has created a FREE online will program for the public to create a user-friendly, online legal will from your home. Creating a will from home gives you the ability to take your time and ensure your wishes are accurately reflected.


Explore Comprehensive Last Will Management with The U.S. Will Registry

Discover our range of services: Free Will Creation, Free Will Registration, Missing Will Search, Free iCloud Storage and Free Death Notices, and Obituaries.
Create and Safeguard your will and ensure peace of mind.

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